Monday - Friday9AM - 5PM
Offices16 Shaw Road, #06-11, Singapore 367954

System Integration

Quality software is an essential part of your entire operation, but SaaS offerings are seldom a one-size-fits-all bundle. You might require a software function that doesn’t currently exist! We’re here to design and program a product that meets your most precise specifications.


As an organization grows, reorganizes or expands into different areas, new systems are put into place in order to help tackle new challenges or augment current operational processes. A trend that we notice is even though the company acts as a whole, individual system tend to work in isolation from one another, creating gaps in efficiency.

System Integration is the process of closing gaps by connecting isolated systems together to work as a coordinated whole. Our team looks at your framework of systems from a operational and procedural stand point and works with you to design an integration plan around your processes.


Ioteq specializes in implementing, planning, coordinating, scheduling, testing, improving and maintaining IT systems. We enable data integrations between the different existing systems of the end customer defined in the project scope. This may mean anything starting from simple internal point-to-point connections to very complex many-to-many integrations both internally and with third parties.

We are the
Right Partner for you

Our role in this equation is to design, implement and test the integration solution, as well as continuous management of the solution with contacting third parties to enable connections with them. Ioteq brings to the table integration expertise that you may lack.

The challenge companies face these days is to incorporate software and hardware into a single well-functioning and unified body. Our goal is to build a safe and efficient environment that delivers reliability, fast access and efficiency.

When to Use our
Systems Integration Solution?

As an organization, you require Systems Integration when there is a need to

  • exchange messages between isolated systems
  • improve your work efficiency and keep customers satisfied
  • implement certain features of one system into another
  • start new systems on another platform
  • cater to data exchange between databases of multiple vendors
  • consolidate all IT solutions into a single environment 
  • upgrade software version to extend your system functionality

What We offer

Design and analysis of IT platforms
Physical environment virtualization
Supply of tailor-made software and equipment
Execution and migration of IT solutions
Consultation services in IT systems integration
Execution and post-execution support

Benefits of
IOTEQ’s Systems Integration Solution

Increase in overall productivity and efficiency due to easy access to all the organizational resources
Seamless connectivity and smooth flow of information between various systems
Optimal performance of business processes due to easy exchange of information between the systems
In-depth analysis of job roles and reporting systems and access to a wide range of data


Visit our agency or simply send us an email anytime you want. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
16 Shaw Road, #06-11
Singapore 367954
+65 9889 8438